Saturday, July 16, 2011

McD breakfast =D

15 July 2011, Rachel, Jie, Richard and I went to Airport's McD to take our breakfast. Just 8.30am, the McD full of people already. lol This is also my first time that having breakfast at McD. I like the breakfast so much, it's really nice. I have ordered a set meal of Sausage McMuffin, hash brown and the coffee have abit "Cao Hwei Ta" taste...hahaha..We can refill it as much as we can. =D After I finished my burger, I still hungry. Jie and I ordered a large Chicken Porridge-NICE!!!

After taking our breakfast, we went back to Richard's hostel to do our H&T Law Presentation slide. We also have a lot of fun at the hostel-dancing? hahaha...We do our slide until 1pm and we went back to campus because we have 2 workshop are held at our campus's Auditorium-Cutting Edge Hair Styling and Monica Nails Arts & Make Up Workshop. So sleepy and hungry during the workshop because I haven take lunch yet.

The workshop finish at 5pm. Shuyee, Pauline, Jie, Dona, Richard, and I went to Hui Sing hawker to eat our dinner.

"Sausage McMuffin, Hash Brown and Roast Coffee"

"Roast Coffee"

"Chicken Porridge"

"Jie big mouth and Chel"

"Richard mouth =O"

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