Sunday, July 10, 2011

Green Lantern =)

Today, 4 of us, Ju, Alwyn, Dona, and I watched "Green Lantern" at MBO Cinemas. Actually we want to watch yesterday's movie at 8.15pm but too bad the seat are full. =( So, we bought the tickets yesterday and we watched the movie today at 4pm.

We went Spring at 3.30pm, after that we meet Ju at the Cinema's front door. Our movie at hall 6, we go in early. I dont like hall 6 because the sound system not good at all. The sound quite blur when they on too loud. =.=

Btw I like the movie because this movie is quite interesting and funny. The hall very small and very cold some more. lol The length for this movie is around 1 and 45 minutes.

"Green Lantern"

"Nice body...can my body like that also? xD"

After the movie, feel hungry already. LoL. Ju went back first because he take his dinner at home. Alwyn said he want to apply the Kim Bay's member card, so 3 of us went to "Kim Bay" to take some food. I only ordered a "Kaya & Peanut Butter Thick Toast" to fill my empty stomach first and dinner at home.

"Kaya & Peanut Butter Thick Toast"

"Alwyn's face looks stupig...hahaha"

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