Thursday, June 9, 2011

7 & 8 June; Esther's 19th Birthday

We are having dinner at “Friends Garden” which located at behind “Hornbill”. The view is very nice and the garden is very nice. One more thing is a lot of cats there, Fiona’s friends. HAHA Unfortunately, there is not many choices for the menu. I ordered a Steak and a can of 100 Plus. The Steak very small and cost RM 10. LOL Around 11.30pm, we go to riverside and countdown her Birthday. The birthday cake is so nice, make by Yun and Ning.

"Esther and I"

"Bryan, Ning, Me, Loong, Fiona, Esther and Vivian"

We are having dinner at Garden Hills, the food is quite expensive. I quite surprise because I do not know got so many people going that night. We give a surprise to Esther also. The birthday cake make by Vivian, it is a Rabbit picture, looks cute. After the dinner, we went to Wave Café for second round. They order a fried noodle and some drinks. We are playing monopoly card while they are eating the fried noodle.

"Esther's birthday cake, make by Vivian"

"Vivian and Me"

"Photo by Fiona"

"Vivian and Me"

"Cute Pose"

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