Saturday, June 4, 2011

X-Men; First Class

Date: 3 June 2011

Venue: MBO Cinemas

"X-Men; First Class"

We reached there around 8pm, but still don’t have suitable seat for the movie. >< We plan to watch 9.30pm X-Men; First Class but too bad the hall almost full, only left the 3 rows in front. So, we change the time to 10.30pm, the seat also quite full. Lastly, we choose “P20” and “P21”. We need to wait from 8pm till 10.30pm at spring, feel sleepy. HAHA.

During the free time, we walk through all the shops in Spring already. We buy 2 chocolate flavor ice-creams at Sugarbun because the Vanilla flavor finishes already. =( A couple sit opposite us, suddenly they took out iPad2 from the bag, our eyes keep looking at the iPad2 because they just bought it at Swift. We sit at Sugarbun till 9.30pm. We went up to cinema and sit at the lobby. (Outside the cinema)

I like hall 5 because the screen is very big. The movie starts at 10.30pm. It is very nice movie and interesting. The length for this movie is around 2 hours 5 minutes and we finish at 12.35am. After we went out from the hall, we saw still have many people waiting for the midnight movies. =X

Next Movies:

"Transformer; Dark of the Moon"

"On 30 June 2011"

"Real Steel"

"On 10 July 2011"

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