Friday, May 27, 2011

Borneo Convention Center Trip

28th of April 2011, our campus has a trip which is going Borneo Convention Center Kuching (BCCK). I going to pick Wayne. All new students were participated in this trip and 4 of us which is their Junior-Wayne, Alwyn, Rachel and Me. Miss Linda is facilitators of this trip and we also help her do some works. This is my first time go BCCK, the area is so HUGE. After we reach BCCK, they bring us to Room 6 and listen to the BCCK Management for giving some talks. They say BCCK roof designed is come from a plant which is Ririk. I never hear this type of plant. They give us see the picture and it’s look like Ginger Plant. When the speech is going on, my tummy keeps “ringing”-Hungry. After the talk, they bring us to visit the Great Hall, Kitchen, and Restaurant. They provide us some biscuits and coffees. I like their biscuits, it’s yummy. We going down and wait for the bus coming. Alywn and I were distributing the orientation evaluation form and the e-advantage form when they going up bus.

"Our UCSI Group photo"

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